
jueves, 7 de agosto de 2014

Therbligs Motion Analysis, the next Step after Standard Work.

I teach the Therbligs Motion Analysis (TMA) to my customers, just after done the first improvement (Standard Work) on the process or manufacturing line or cell, the reason is very simple, after the first improvement you may think everything is ok, but is not true, due there is more waste, this type of waste are the human micro motions and usually are very difficult to identify since the beginning of Standard Work analysis.

The TMA , will help you to identify the next improvement steps , that may end on implementation of Hanedashi – Auto eject or a full Chaku- ChaKu Line (load–load).

Shigeo Shingo explains in one of his books; the real meaning of work is: “ a person exerts strength on a weighty task”

Thus, rather than assuming that a man in motion is working, we must be sure to ask whether he is really exerting his strength on some task that will produce value added.

Frank B. Gilbreth studied human motion and discovered basic elements of motion, which he called Therbligs. All human movement, he discovered, are composed of a mere 18 Therbligs.

Basic steps for TMA.

1.    Be sure to familiarize yourself with the 18 basic Therbligs Symbols before using this form.
2.    Fill in the basic product and process related information.
3.    Make small sketch of the area you are study for reminder or take pictures.
4.    Observe the motion overall several times to obtain familiarity, draw the Ohno’s circle and stay there.
5.    Write down the left-hand, right-hand, and eye-related motions one by one.
6.    Include a brief word or two of explanation if required in the provided column.
7.    Write down the work elements every few symbols for clarification.
8.    Write down your improvements ideas for each small motion.

Please see the next video, its about machine improvement and automation, please note that event with the Nut Feeder , the operator is doing other motions that not add value, he is using his left hand as bin – Hold “H” , the right hand is used to release load “RL”  and this operation has a Unavoidable delay “UD” is obvious that more work needs to be done.

Please see the next video ;  on this case the operator just needs to load the part and the machine has the Nut Feeder and Auto eject.

If you want to make a Chaku- Chaku line you need to think about this; how the NVA activities can be detected and eliminated? The first step is performing a TMA.

Hope this information helps you in your next project.

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