sábado, 22 de noviembre de 2014

Setup Reduction Methodology – SMED (金型の単一分交換)

We may think, based in all the information about Lean Manufacturing, that many tools and methods are well understood, unfortunately on real live there is many misunderstanding about them, that’s why I decided to write this article, for one of the most popular and known tool, SMED.

I have to clarify and specify this is one way of how to implement this tool, this not perfect obviously, but should give you an idea of how start the deployment for Setup Reduction.

Definition of Quick Set Up / Changeover

The absolute minimum amount of time needed to changeover from one activity to another, to minimize the amount of time the equipment remains idle, thereby responding faster to customer needs.

Many key ideas developed by Dr Shigeo Shingo, he called it SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies) Means single digit (1-9 min), i.e. Less than 10 minutes

Example:  1000-ton press ,( Before: 4 hr -  After: 3 min)

Improvement: 98.7%, or a factor of 80        

Changeover time is the total elapsed time between the last unit of good production of the previous run, at normal line efficiency, to the first unit of good production of the succeeding run, at full line efficiency.


Why do Quick Setup / Changeover?

·         Improve Flexibility:  Changes in customer demands are easy to accommodate without excess inventory

·         Improve Quality:  Quicker feedback from customer/customer process, reduced process variability

·         Reduce Lead Time:  Shrink the time it takes to get product to the customer

·         Increase Capacity:  Improved Operational Availability

·         Reduce Inventory: Dramatic cost improvements

·         Improve Safety:  Simpler setups = safer setups

·         Support Pull System Implementation:  Quicker setup/changeovers facilitate small lot production, small lot production facilitates pull systems

SMED is Continuous Improvement

It is a customer driven requirement. Customers demand:

·         Product and service diversity

·         Lower costs

·         Higher reliability and quality

In essence organizations need to become leaner!

So organizations must:

·         Produce smaller lots, more frequently

·         Expand the scope and diversity of products and services

·         Reduce quality defects

How long does it take to change a tire on your car:

·         Hard

·         Easy


Changing a tire in our car is a chore that will take anywhere from minutes to hours , as we see on first video.


Why is it that in the car races they can change the four tires in just a few seconds as showed on second video?

Here are some of the differences:

·         They were prepared

·         Right tools

·         Only one bolt per tire

·         Continuous training

·         Cumulative experience, on and on...


The Quick Changeover Methodology for Setup Reduction

Step 1 - Identify Internal & External Steps


What is an Internal Step?

An internal step is one that must be performed while the machine or operation is stopped; and therefore is a form of lost time. 

What is an External Step?

An external step is one that can be performed while the operation is running. 

Purpose for Separating Internal and External

The primary focus of setup reduction is not on total setup time (internal + external) nor on setup labor time, but on internal time alone.  While reducing total setup time and setup labor time is desirable, it is only of secondary importance.

Record the process (use a Simple Time Recording Sheet, Standard Work Combination Sheet or SOE)

·         Form a team

·         Interview operators

·         Videotape

·         Stopwatch analysis


Step 2 - Convert Internal Steps to External


·         To reduce internal setup time. The more setup steps, decisions, adjustments, etc. that can be done on external time, the better.

·         Wherever possible, setup steps performed while the operation is stopped (internal) need to be completed while the operation is running (external).

 Through the elements recorded in Step 1 (Identify Internal & External Steps)
Identify all internal steps, eliminate all unnecessary steps

Analyze all essential internal steps to determine if opportunity exists to convert internal steps to external steps:

·         Can adjustment blocks be used in lieu of making machine adjustments?

·         Can dies be preheated independent of the equipment operation?

·         Can procedures/techniques be developed to insure that all tools, equipment, and materials are staged in the immediate work area before the machine is idled?

·         Is all post setup work (tooling service, cleaning, data tracking, etc.) being done after the equipment resumes operation?


Other examples:

·         Standardize common temperature profile for curing

·         Standardize common screw torque setting

·         Additional SMT feeder, preload component & QA check

·         Off line software loading

·         Pre heating of die set

Step 3 - Reduce Internal Setup Time


To reduce internal setup time: The internal setup steps and decisions need to be simple and precise while adjustments got to be reduced and eliminated.

Analyze the remaining internal setup tasks to reduce/eliminate adjustments:

·         Can adjustment blocks or preset gauges be used?

·         Can tooling presets be used?

·         Is equipment, fixtures,
and tooling clean and

·         Can locating/centering
techniques be employed?


·         Accomplish setup tasks in parallel where possible (Can additional resources be utilized to support the setup/changeover?)

·         Use universal tooling/fixtures where possible

·         Use quick disconnect fittings for air, power, water and vacuum (no hard pipe) where possible

·         Eliminate model specific conveyors and other material handling devices where possible.


Step 4 - Reduce External Setup Time

·         Since the maximum external setup time must be less than the time to run a production lot, reducing external setup time typically is less critical than reducing internal setup time. 

·         Although external setup time generally is not the constraint to the setup procedure, tools/techniques should be applied to optimize and standardize external setup time… think of resources and cost.

 Store fixtures, dies, tools, raw materials and documentation as close as possible to the point of use:

·         Arranged in sequence of use

·         Shadow boards used

·         Addressed and labeled

·         Color coded

Use setup kits and/or carts

·         May include fasteners, jig, fixtures, tools, etc.

·         May be integrated as part of the equipment

·         May also be utilized for raw materials

Improve Material Handling

·         Provide adequate access for fork trucks / carts

·         Provide visual means (Andon) of notifying material handlers of impending changeover

·         Eliminate/minimize the need for mechanized material movement




·         Reduce external setup time.

·         Improve workplace organization.

·         Establish setup kits and carts.

·         Optimize material handling.

Step 5 - Repeat Steps

·         Standardize/Document:  Each step of the setup/changeover must be standardized and documented through the use of  written procedures and/or checklists.  This is not only necessary to sustain the improvements, but is necessary for future improvement activities.

·         Train:  Everyone involved in the setup/changeovers must be fully trained.  Often the gains made in setup/changeover improvement activities are lost the first time that personnel assignments are changed.  Appropriate procedural documentation and training is the only way to insure that gains are not lost.

·         Measure/Follow-up:  Setups/changeovers must become a measured part of operations.  Performance must be monitored and investigation accomplished when performance deteriorates.

Additional Options to Consider

This method is focused on the reduction in setup/changeover duration.  However, there are several ways to eliminate the need for setups/changeovers that should be considered:

·         Eliminate part proliferation through design.

·         Make multiple part numbers and / or parts in one step (i.e.:  right hand and left hand).

·         Design tooling / process to facilitate different parts without changeover.

 I hope this information helps you in your next Kaizen Event.

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Lean & Six Sigma , History Time Line

Many people have studied  the Lean Manufacturing History Time Line , but very few are aware about Six Sigma History Time Line.

I used a very popular picture from the internet and I have updated the time line , and according to my research,  the combination was formally done by Micheal L. George 2002.

jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

3P Production Preparation Process - (生産、準備、プロセス)

Many people asked me why some companies fails on Lean Enterprise implementation? Obviously there are many reason why to fail, however, the companies that embrace Lean Manufacturing and implement the 3P methodology are better positioned to succeed.
Comparison of Conventional Development vs. 3P

What is 3P? Production Preparation Process

Establishing an Appropriate Production System to Satisfy Requirements of :

Product Design Quality for the Requirement Production Volume at the Target Cost by the Target Date.

Lean Enterprise  consists of physical items and defined processes to produce end products.  You cannot buy your way to “worldclass” by just purchasing the latest technology. We cannot just rely on outside thinking  but build on in-house creativity that is not available to competition… to connect hardware to software.


When 3P is used?


Why do 3P?

              Short Term :

          Deliver projects within ‘entitlements’

          Time to Market, Time to Cost, Time to Quality

          Avoid rework of line designs

Long Term :

          Promotes rapid, quantum , out of box thinking in the company

          Try Storm and take Electronics Manufacturing to next level

          It’s a competitive weapon in our industry

           Methodology to solve company wide, segment wide, site wide problems

3P is highly effective weapon in the ‘ Battle for Market Superiority ‘. Any technology that is ‘plug and play’ or ‘ready to use’ can also be purchased by competition. However items developed using 3P and moonshine will have  compelling value .

If 3P is not enforced in new designs , engineers then need to solve lot of problems in the line  leading to  unending cycle of ‘rework’ to get to standards established.


Where does 3P Fit In?

One must first practice Kaizen on factory floor to address waste in the process. 3P focuses on entire process considering total cost, quality , delivery and stands on the shoulders of Kaizen.  If we don’t know how to kaizen , we would not be able to think of Kaikaku.


The force behind 3P is to incorporate all elements of Lean Enterprise into the design of products and processes. Unlike  evolutionary process of Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) , 3P must be revolutionary. The Japanese term for this is Kaikaku.

3P designs is a competitive secret weapon. They are not purchased but moonshined and known only to World Class companies that develop the design on their own.



Applying the Principles of 3P Lean Enterprise

Without understanding of 3P and how it differs from traditional approaches to product and  process design, many 3P projects may be questioned, criticized and shortened before completion.

To be creative we must step outside the box and venture into things that are ridiculous to untrained observer.

3P must be actively practiced and promoted. If 3P efforts do not keep moving forward , they will regress. Along with this regression go the competitive advantages  and dollars spent on discovering, creating and implementing the process

To assure that your company remains competitive, Kaizen Efforts (dashed line) should be complimented with elements of revolutionary change or Kaikaku . The solid line above explains how this will take us to Global Lean Enterprise. Without periodic Kaikaku efforts, our efforts at continuous improvements will be “too little, too late”.

As we hit plateau with Continuous Improvement, we get into cloud of uncertainty.  This cloud blocks our view of our vision. 3P propels us to break through this cloud. This is risky. Less than 10% will jump into it. But 3P will take us to new level where Kaizen will begin with new perspective. By doing this we renew our Kaizen enthusiasm with new direction and vigor.



3P Process Steps

There are several variations in 3P process steps.    The following five step process are intended to give summary level understanding of 3P.

Fig. Fig Fig


Slides from  are courtesy of Shingijutsu training materials.

I hope this help you on your next project.